Step 3 - Turn Traffic into Leads with Conversion Marketing
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Who Wants Traffic When They Can Have Customers?

So many digital marketing agencies are only concerned with driving traffic to your website. Though traffic is important, it should not be the end game of your marketing. Your main goal should be getting customers and growing your business. This is why the most important thing about your website is not how much traffic you generate but how much business that traffic brings you.  

Convert Traffic to Leads

If You Keep Doing the Same Thing, You Will Keep Getting the Same Results

If you are not satisfied with the results your website has delivered in the past, you may be hesitant to invest in the future. However, if you aren’t willing to change, you won’t be able to get to where you want to be in the future. By utilizing conversion marketing techniques, you can take your website from a simple brochure to a successful business asset.

Shift Your Focus to Conversions by Investing, Not Expensing

By shifting your focus to converting customers, your website will change for the better. As a business owner, you need to realize that your website shouldn’t be viewed as an expense item but instead as an investment in your business. All the money you put into your online presence will get you something in return. 

What Is Conversion Marketing?

Conversion marketing involves applying specific techniques to a marketing strategy that encourage a customer to take the next step in the sales process. This means that they will either become a lead or turn into a customer. To do this properly, it is important to understand that everyone is unique and different, which means your marketing strategy must find a way to appeal to each individual.  


Understand the market that you want to target as a business

Analyze their needs and what appeals to them

Design a site that matches your market

Reduce friction and barriers on the website 

Build credibility and trust with your prospects

Address anxiety 

Persuade calls to action 

How Conversion Techniques Are Applied

Conversion techniques are applied by using the following process.  

Once you have a website that is built with conversion techniques and driving qualified traffic, the next step is tosee what techniques are succeeding so you can spend your money wisely.

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